MarBecca Entertainment Group
MarBecca provides world-renowned, formal performance training specifically for special event entertainers. We’ve set the standard for special event DJs in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia.
Relax and enjoy the company of fellow, like-minded high performance entertainers. Discuss the finer details of top-drawer entertainment with dedicated MarBecca Entertainers. There’s only one place in the world to do it.
Need a little help with scripting? MarBecca provides expert writing and editing services, in addition to consultation, encouragement, and insights from the people who created the MarBecca Method: Mark & Rebecca Ferrell.
The MarBecca Method is completely ground breaking. It has transformed my skillset to find its own voice and allows me to separate myself apart from being seen as just a typical DJ. This is the next level and can only be taught by MarBecca.
Ernie Lara

I’ve just got say WOW!
What an awesome and overwhelming amount of information and training! It was even better than I expected! Can’t wait to apply what I’ve learned and to keep up the training and practice.
Chuck Kelsheimer

I’ve taken three MarBecca MC workshops (Bronze, Silver and Gold), and I’m circling back around to take Bronze again next week. It’s that valuable to me. Your business, your income, your family and your clients & their guests all deserve it.
Eric Rhodes

Recent Blog Posts
Choosing A Workshop
So you've decided to attend a MarBecca Workshop, but don't know which one to
What’s The Workshop Like?
As workshop providers, we get asked this question a lot. Sometimes out of curiosity.
Quick Service Guide
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